
CNN, CNET and necessary evils

Those Of Us Who Care About Journalism are up in metaphorical arms this week over two stories:

1. The Daily Show laid bare the effects of CNN cutting its investigative reporters. I’m no optimist — I saw in my grad school work more than a decade ago that we were likely to see a race to the bottom in terms of quality, but I was still hoping CNN would attempt to distinguish itself from unabashedly lefty MSNBC and unabashedly loony Fox by doing actual reporting.

2. CNET and corporate owner CBS are in a kerfuffle because CNET wanted to bestow an honor upon a device that, in addition to a few other neat features, lets viewers zap ads on TV shows they’ve recorded. CBS said no, and CNET’s Greg Sandoval resigned in protest, citing a lack of confidence in “editorial independence.” Sandoval is, of course, an instant folk hero for standing up against blurring the line between business and editorial interests.

I won’t dispute Sandoval’s stand, but let’s back up a second. Why is CNET honoring something that kills a revenue stream?

Salon’s Andrew Leonard puts it nicely here, not letting CBS or CNET off the hook by any means but pointing out the problem:

For 40 employees of a company that is owned by a television network to get together and put their Best-of-Show-imprint on a device that takes dead aim at the business model of their owner is provocative, to say the least.

The underlying problem here: Today’s young adults have grown up in an era in which everything is free. They can browse nearly limitless content on the Internet, and they can watch hundreds of channels on TV. And as the Emily White controversy showed last summer, they’re not all that likely to pay for music.

And that gets us back to CNN. Why did CNN cut its investigative staff? Because they’re not making enough money, and it’s a lot cheaper to hire talking heads to sit in the studio that it is to go to foreign countries and embed a TV crew for months to get one story.

So as much as I hate to be the grownup, I have to remind people: All of this stuff needs to paid for somehow. Do you really want a world in which the programmers are paid but the content creators need to be independently wealthy?

Or, as NewsRadio so aptly put it: “What is the Constitution of the United States? An advertisement!”

(And yes, I know the irony of posting a TV clip that has no advertising. Fair use, blah blah blah, and go out and buy the NewsRadio DVDs like I did!)


50 Greatest Commercial Parodies

Just finding all sorts of stuff while waiting for the little ones to wake up.

This one is at Nerve magazine, and yes, it’s heavy on SNL. But the first entry from MadTV isn’t bad, either.

It has all the memorable ad from SNL original cast, plus the classic Hooks-Hartman-Carvey ad for Compulsion by Calvin Kleen.

One missing ad, though I also can’t find video for it: Kelly Ripa sending up her own smiling ubiquity with an ad for a shampoo that contains just a little bit of crack cocaine. I gained enormous respect for her after that one.


After AfterM*A*S*H

Great curiosity find from TVSquad: A few years after M*A*S*H, several of the actors reunited for a series of commercials for a product that did not age as well as their show. Remember IBM’s PS/2 computer? And is it ironic to watch a video on a computer of an ad that brags about 256 colors “at the same time”?

TVSquad makes a big deal out of the different eras represented in the ad, but really, it’s the Season 4-5 cast with Wayne Rogers instead of Mike Farrell.

Two of the four ads they dug up are in this video: